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Saturday, January 7, 2012


In the Gospels Jesus never seemed too interested in fans. Is that how you define your relationship with Him? An enthusiastic admirer? Close enough to Jesus to get the benefits but not so close to require sacrifice? There’s got to be more than just going to church, praying when in a jam, and volunteering at a shelter. Are there moments in your life where you feel like you are just blending in? Are you just part of the audience?
Are there times when you wish you could really engage in your life? Maybe you want to really take a stand for something.
Maybe what you really need is to be a follower and not a fan.
Maybe it’s time to do something. Show the world that you are a follower and not a fan. In the Gospels Jesus never seemed too interested in fans. He was looking for followers. Not just any follower though… completely. committed. follower.


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