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Friday, February 8, 2013

Father Makes Son

There is a story of a father who wanted to take his son for a ride in his Cadilac. The father said the son could only ride under certain conditions. He had to clean and clothed properly according to his standards as the father and owner of the car. So the father gets the son ready, clean and clothed exactly right based on his estimate of how the son should look and be.

This is what God has done for us with Jesus at the cross. He knew we could not meet His standards but He desired to be with us always instead of separated by His holy rules and regulations. God met His own standards by giving us His son to take our place of indignation and judgement so that we could take His place of righteousness. With His sacrifice we are now seated with Him in heavenly places. And as Jesus is so are we.


When we see God as gracious, able, and faithful to act favorably in our lives, He calls that faith.

Faith is a practical expression of your confidence in God. And in His Word. exercise it like it's the norm and like His Word is the way all things should be. Practice faith; practice seeing God as gracious, available to meet you every need and to care for you like only a Father can. Trust Him. Be confident in His love for you. Your trust will be expressed by your commitment to remain loved by the LORD.

Many Blessings in Jesus' name.